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Clockworks Coffee

  Current Bean Origins

 From around the world


Region: Kayanza, Gatara

Farm: Smallholder Farmers

Variety: Bourbon

Altitude: 1750-1850 M

Process: Natural



Region: San Marcos, Ocotepeque

Farm: Inaginsa

Variety: Lempira, Catuai

Altitude: 1350-1500 M

Process: Fully Washed



Region: Batak

Farm: Smallholder Farmers

Variety: Catimor, Typica

Altitude: 1200-1700 M

Process: Wet Hulled


About Us


Our son started Clockworks Coffee in 2016 when we purchased main street buildings in Westfield PA. If you have ever been to Westfield, you may question why we chose here. We had other locations we could have chosen for sure. But as we are from Westfield, we were saddened by the decline of the once vibrant main street and chose with hope to purchase the buildings here. The hope was to provide the community with something new and to encourage other like-minded community members to join in. Our son has since moved on more out of necessity than want. We have kept the coffee going and continue to serve the community of Westfield with the small shops we have. If you are ever in town, look us up. See you soon!

 “Clocks are everywhere if you know how to recognize them. A dandelion is a clock, obviously. Rice pouring into a bowl is a clock, each grain marking the passage of time. A school assignment, an apple as it withers, a tree waiting for spring. Each of these things measures living moments, what remains before death. Tick, tock.”

― Catriona Ward, Sundial



From our in house roasted coffee, we offer a variety of specialty hot and cold coffees. We also have hot cocoa and some hot tea. Like our coffees, we will sell you the roasted beans.

New Items

Coming Soon

We are expanding our roasting capabilities to improve roast consistency and offer additional specialty coffees. Watch for the launch of the on line shop!
